----------Click the Button--------
----------Click the Button--------
  • You can call and leave a message and I'll return your call as soon as possible.  
  • You can also email me using the form below or email me at baumgarnerc@penntrafford.org to schedule a conference.  
  • I will gladly arrange for conference times that work for you as long as it is not during instruction time.  
  • Conference Times can be made during Itinerant times.  See our schedule below. 

My Office Hours and Conference Times

Printable Parent-Teacher Conference Form

2024 2025 ParentTeacherConferenceRequest
Adobe Acrobat Document 162.5 KB


Birthday Treats are Permitted. Only School Approved Snack Orders can be served in class.



We have 20 students in our class


(13 Girls and 7 Boys).


Please contact the office for birthday snack








Classroom Rules

Our Rules are clearly posted in the classroom. We discuss the rules and consequences frequently during the first week. We are practicing Good Citizen Behavior.  This means following the rules, being polite and respectful to everyone, showing kindness and taking responsibility for our actions.  Problems that occur are dealt with swiftly and as discretely as possible.    

Our Classroom Rules: 

1. Be polite and respectful to everyone

2. Follow directions the first time given

3. Do your own work.

4. Keep hands, feet, and objects to    





The Daily Work Folder

 To encourage organizational skills, I will provide your child with a Daily Work Folder (DW).  The folders are to be taken home every night and checked by you.  Please check the folder nightly.  Please use this folder for any correspondence.  Also, the students will need to keep their weekly spelling list in here for the week.  It can be taken out at the end of the week. 



Take Home Tuesday Folder

This is a folder that is sent home every Tuesday to relay school memos and notices to families of Level Green and Penn-Trafford students.  Many important documents will be sent home via this folder.  Your child should return the Take-Home Tuesday folder on the following day.  




A valid excuse must accompany your child upon his/her return to school after each absence in order to avoid truancy. Please list a reason and the date of the absence(s).   No work will be sent home until your child returns to school.




A note with directions must accompany all medication, including cough drops. All medication is distributed through the nurse’s office.  



Dismissal Changes

Please send a note for the times when your child’s dismissal routine will be changed. When possible, please provide a note at the beginning of the day if you are picking up your child early from school.  You must sign you child out in the office.  Always report to the office first when entering the building.



Lunch and Recess

Our Lunch is scheduled for 12:00 this year.  We order lunch every morning for that day's menu.  Students order from our three menu choices.  Click here for a school menu and more information about our school lunch programs.  Or you can find the link on the "Quick Links" section (right hand side) of any page on our website.  


Recess always follows immediately after lunch.  Ms. Damaska and I share recess duty on alternating days.  If the weather is permitting, we go to the Playground.  If there has been precipitation or if there is a threat of a storm we will have recess in the Circle in front of the school as long as the weather is clear.  When the weather is bad we stay inside.  There are games, log blocks, Legos, drawing supplies, puzzles, and toys for students in the class.  



Weekly Tests or Quizzes

Reading Tests: Each Friday the students will be assessed on their knowledge of comprehension and vocabulary skills practiced during the week.  


Spelling Tests: Each Friday the students will be assessed on their phonics and spelling abilities using our Spelling Lists.  The Spelling Lists consist of the "Pattern Words," the "Review Words," and the "High Frequency Words." This test will be worth 15 points.  The students will also be required to spell the vocabulary words, but these words will not be counted as points for or against the grade.  I also take a weekly Penmanship grade from the spelling test, too.  


Grammar Test: Each Friday the students will be assessed on grammar and writing skills. Generally, the students will be writing sentences and applying skills to demonstrate writing abilities.  


Math Tests or Quizzes: The Math tests and quizzes are not timed as regularly as the Reading and Language Arts.  The assessments follow a set of lessons and the readiness of the students.  


Test Grading and Student Corrections

  • All of the Friday tests will generally be returned to the students on the following Tuesday and come home in the Take-Home-Tuesday folders.
  •  If the students make mistakes, I will write "FIX" on the test and the students are to correct the mistakes and return the tests.  I'll recheck the tests and return them.  If there aren't any mistakes, the tests are yours to keep. 


All 2023-2024 Field Trips (Coming in the Spring)


Snow Days (FID)


Dear Families, 


In case of a school closure due to inclement weather, formerly known as a “snow day,” the LG 2nd Grade is providing a Flexible Instruction Day (FID) packet.  

The FID (Snow Day) packet is designed with meaningful exercises and on-level instructions so that each skill page can be completed independently with minimal assistance.  This is to help accommodate working families, students without computer access or students going to daycare. 

If help is needed, I can be contacted via email or Google Classroom from 9:45-2:45 on the day of the closure.  (baumgarnerc@penntrafford.org



  • Please store this packet in the student's daily Take-Home Folder. 
  • If the school day is canceled, the students are responsible for completing one day's work.
  • This is a 3-day packet.  Students will only need to complete one "snow day" section per canceled school day.
  • This is NOT to be used for 2-Hour Delays.
  • Return this packet in the student's Take-Home Folder on the next open school day.